Workout log: cycling into headwinds from all directions

Today was a 14.5 mile ride in a little over an hour, in the face of pretty strong winds that never seemed to come from behind. I went out with a neighbor and we also found that the temperature was dropping pretty quickly, from 70 just earlier in the afternoon to around 55 by the time we were done at 4:30.

In other news, as part of my year-long preparation for the Ironman, I've decided to do a stand-alone marathon next spring, as I have never run that far before. I'm going to be entering in the Tobacco Road Marathon in March, and I just got the training plan for that from my trainer. It starts on December 5th and runs through the week after the event. Since I don't want to lose all of my ability to swim and ride the plan includes some of each in addition to three run days a week. It starts off easy enough, with 4 and 6-mile runs in the first week, but ends up with a pair of 20-milers a few weeks before the race. Everything beyond 13.1 is going to be a personal longest distance run, so we'll see how it goes.
