Workout log: track run

First a bit of administration: I've added options in the right bar to let you subscribe via email and/or use an RSS reader to follow. Please let me know if you have any problems with any of them. Update: I have just gotten my first email message, so the service seems to work. However, the code that inserts the workout summary from Garmin doesn't seem to translate to email, so you'll have to open the posts in a browser if you want to see that detail.

Yesterday I forced myself to go for a run. I had originally planned to to it right before lunch, but by the time my 10:00-11:00 meeting ended I was starving, so I wolfed down enough food to make running impractical. I eventually went for a run at the end of the work day, doing laps at the campus track, which is roughly 1/3 mile long.

This makes it look like I was fairly fast (for me), but I think that's a little misleading. I am faster on completely flat ground than when I have to haul myself up a hill, but looking at the GPS data up close it looks as though the rounding errors were all in my favor, making the run look a little longer than it really was. Still, it was good to get out and do the run and the exercise helped boost my mood a little.

Today I'm riding my bike at lunch (for real, this time).
