First dose of LSD in a while

I started running competitively in high school. I ran cross-country in the fall and track in the spring, with a dose of fencing during winter trimester. The cross-country/track coach was Frank Rutherford, and he was also our chemistry teacher. So, when I showed up at a cross-country workout one day in the late '70s and he announced that we were going to be doing LSD I wasn't entirely sure what to make of it. Of course, this turned out to be a tongue-in-cheek acronym for Long Slow Distance, and it's a staple of endurance training.

Not my track coach

It's been quite a while since I've run farther than 6 miles - I haven't looked, but I suspect it was probably back on May 22nd when I did the NCRC Classic Half-marathon race, which took me right around 2-1/2 hours. So, today's LSD run of 8 miles could have been a challenge, but it turned out to be not too bad. I finished the run at an 11:15/mile pace, and managed to keep the same basic pace throughout. I'm still doing a run-walk program where I run for 6 minutes and walk for 1, repeating until done. I wasn't really out of breath at the end, although my legs were starting to get tired. I also haven't been moving super fast the remainder of the day.

The training program I'm doing includes increasingly long runs each Saturday, so next week I'm scheduled to do 10. The weather today was pretty good - I over-dressed a little, as I took off my hat and gloves at Mile 2 and my arm warmers at Mile 3, but then settled into a comfortable zone.

8.0 miles in 1:30:08
